FSAE Leadership | Leadership FAQ | Past Chairs
Help Direct the Future of FSAE as a Board Officer!
Call for Officer Nominations - Deadline: January 27, 2025
Now is your chance to be part of the leadership that moves the association industry forward. The FSAE Nominating Committee is seeking nominations (Self-Nominations only) for individuals with leadership and management experience to serve as Officers on the 2025-26 Board of Directors. We are only accepting Officer nominations at this time. Nominations for the Board of Directors At-Large seats will begin in April.
Members of the Board provide leadership, a shared vision and sense of mission and are responsible for the fiscal health of our organization. We are looking for leaders with:
- proven performance and a commitment to the organization
- time and ability to serve
- understanding of team work; communication and mentoring skills
- sound judgment and integrity
- enthusiasm and the ability to be a strategic, visionary thinker
To apply, please review the criteria below and complete your nomination application by January 27, 2025. Officer terms begin at the Annual Conference in July 2025 and run through Conference / July 2026. Applications not submitted by the January 27 deadline will not be considered. No exceptions will be made.
Interested in serving on the FSAE Board, but want to know more about what's involved? Board Q&A Zoom Recording is available.
FSAE Board of Directors Quick Information:
- The FSAE Board consists of 15 members (Chair, Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past Chair, 7 Executive At-Large Directors, 2 Associate At-Large Directors, and FSAE Executive Director).
- Director terms are three (3) years and begin in July.
- Members may self-nominate.
- Board members are responsible for serving as the strategic brain trust of FSAE - thinking strategically, planning, and evaluating for the greater good of the association.
- The Board meets three (3) times a year in person with at least one meeting by Zoom. In-person meetings are typically half-day meetings in February/March in Tallahassee, in conjunction with Annual Conference in July, and in Central FL in November.
- Board members are expected to attend FSAE's Annual Conference and other events throughout the year, help recruit members and support the FSAE Foundation. Details are included in the Nomination Packet Commitment Form linked below.
2025-26 FSAE Board of Directors Nomination for Officers
Available Officer Seats: Chair-Elect (3-year commitment), Treasurer (1 year term) and Secretary (1 year term)
Chair-Elect Eligibility
Criteria to Serve for Chair-Elect: A minimum of three years of active engagement with the Society prior to nomination and, prior to taking office, served a full term of an elected position on the FSAE Board of Directors.
Officer Duties for Chair-Elect: The Chair Elect shall preside at meetings of the membership and the Board in the Chair's absence. The Chair Elect shall also direct the affairs of the Society should the Chair become incapacitated during the term of office for a period in excess of thirty (30) days, for as long a period as is required due to the Chair’s incapacitation. The Chair Elect shall perform other such duties as are incidental to the office of Chair Elect, or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors, or as may be stipulated in the FSAE Policies & Procedures.
The Chair-Elect ascends into Chair the following year and then Immediate Past-Chair. Chair Duties include: The Chair shall preside at all regular, special and annual meetings of the Society and at all meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall at all times direct the affairs of the Society. The Chair shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of all FSAE Committees unless otherwise noted in the Bylaws. The Chair shall perform other such duties as are incidental to the office of Chair, or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors, or as may be stipulated in the FSAE Policies & Procedures.
Secretary and Treasurer Eligibility
Criteria to Serve for Secretary and Treasurer: A minimum of three years of active engagement with the Society prior to nomination and have served as a Chair of a Committee, or have served in an elected position on the FSAE Board of Directors.
Officer Duties for Secretary: The Secretary shall, among other things, be responsible for recording the actions taken at all meetings of the Society’s Board of Directors and Membership Meetings. These records shall be kept in the perpetual files of the Society and made available for inspection at the request of any member. The Secretary shall certify the results of all elections of Officers and Board members. The Secretary shall ensure that appropriate filings are made when revisions to the Society’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are made.
Officer Duties for Treasurer: The Treasurer shall, among other things, be responsible for developing the budget, monitoring the accurate accounting and reporting of all monies received and expended by the Society. All monies received shall be deposited in the bank or depository designated by the Board of Directors and shall be paid out as prescribed by the Board of Directors or its designate. The Treasurer shall perform other such duties as are incidental to the office of Treasurer, or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors, or as may be stipulated in the FSAE Policies & Procedures.
To apply:
• Download the FSAE Officer Nominations Packet • Complete the Officer Nominations Form (online form) • Return the Board Commitment Form, Diversity Commitment Form, Code of Ethics and Campaign Guidelines included in the Nominations Packet (and a letter of support from your CEO if you are not a CEO)
Submit all your materials to Sandy Merrill by January 27, 2025
Applications not submitted by the January 27 deadline will not be considered. No exceptions will be made.Email: [email protected]Mail: FSAE, 2410 Mahan Drive, Ste. 2, Tallahassee, FL 32308