QAS is a comprehensive overview of association management – from the legal and financial “business model” of associations’ unique governance/volunteer structure, to understanding the key principles of membership, communications, events, non-dues revenue programs, public policy and more. These industry leaders share their knowledge with you through 12 online modules, approximately an hour each to enhance your career in association management. View Program Overview
“I truly enjoyed the formal explanation of social media and online communities. As the social media manager for our association, this was the type of information that I was looking for. It was social media from the unique association perspective. Plus I'm really enjoying the program overall. It's a great way to learn on my own time, and it has already proven itself a valuable tool for a foundation in association management.”
- Jacob Wilder, BOMA Georgia
"I highly recommend the Qualified Association Specialist program to anyone in association management. Originally, I thought that the course would be perfect for our staff level employees that weren’t familiar with associations or that we needed to cross train on other program areas. However, when I went through it, I found that the education content would help anyone better understand the principles of association management. I have seen other programs that teach the same concepts but they were well over $1,000. This program provided even more in terms of association principles, but for a price point that any association can afford. Top notch program!"
- Rachel Luoma, Partners in Association Management
Program fees are $195 for FSAE and partner SAE members and $295 for non-members

Program Modules/Overview | Frequently Asked Questions
Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or call 850.222.7994
FSAE is a CAE Registered Provider. The program(s) linked above meet the requirements for fulfilling the professional development requirements to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential. Every program that we offer that has been approved for CAE credit will clearly identify the number of CAE credits granted for full participation. We will maintain records of your participation in accordance with CAE policies. For more information about the CAE credential or Registered Provider program, please visit