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Microsoft Moved My Cheese! (And Google Did Too!) Webinar
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

Microsoft Moved My Cheese! (And Google Did Too!) Webinar

Speaker: Randy Dean

1 Hour CAE Expected

You may have seen the many changes that Microsoft and Google has been making to a number of their most popular software tools, especially Microsoft Outlook and Gmail. Not only has the onboard “local client” (formerly Outlook 2016/2019) changed the home screen and some of the key features, but now there is also “Web Outlook” and “New Outlook”, and Gmail keeps changes settings and features. How do you find your stuff, keep your productivity, and just keep your head from spinning with all of these recent changes? That’s where Randy Dean, MBA: The E-mail Sanity Expert ® comes in – in this session, he’ll help show you where both Microsoft and Google moved your cheese, and get you back to focused productivity as well as show some of the cool newer tools available in Outlook, Gmail and possibly some of the other 365 and/or Google Workspace tools. Hopefully now you can find that cheese!

Registration Fees:

$45 for Members
$75 for Non-members

Register Now

 Questions? Call or Text: (850) 222-7994 or email [email protected] 

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